Urban Mental Health

Urban Initiatives

Conversation Connect: बातचीत is a subset of YETI, started to address concern of alarming number of depression, anxiety and suicide cases. We began when some of our ex-students  upset by the sudden suicide of a classmate got together to think about making a place where other young adults could reach out to . We formed a non-judgmental community to help break the stigma around mental health, and encourage awareness and acceptance of mental health issues.


We do this through organizing events, activities, and group sessions conducted with volunteers willing to participate.


We hope to help

  • build a safe and open environment for them to speak freely,
  • in ‘catharsis’ (the process of releasing and thereby providing relief from strong and repressed emotions).
  • introspect their and others emotions & behaviors.
  • individuals identify red flags, and early detection signs of psychological problems,
  • offer professional intervention (if needed) sooner than later.

We envisage to eventually reach a place where one can talk about anxiety, depression, or any addictions just like a headache or fever or broken arm. A space where one is not ashamed about going through a mental health concern, and openly seeks help.

Help Us To Grow! And Make Us Help Others

Conversation Connect:

Some of the topics on which we have held conversations:

    • Interpreting Emotions Through Art
    • Journey Within – Understanding and Accepting Our Emotions
    • The Secret behind ANGER
    • Mental Health Awareness Month- Through online posts, videos, etc.
    • ‘A little narcissism is good for you’- Talk on self-love,
    • ‘There is only one thing that I dread, not to be worthy of my sufferings – Fyodor Dostoevsky’- Importance of challenges in shaping us, growth in times of struggle
    • ‘You can’t exactly shame yourself into a better person’- Talk on change,
    • ‘If they do it often it isn’t a mistake, it’s just their behavior’- Emotional Manipulation,
    • ‘If we can’t spot patterns we’re not looking close enough’- Triggers of Unhealthy Relationships
    • ‘How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him – Frank Herbert
    • ‘A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams or your dignity’ – Covered Identification, Personality Types, and suggestions to resolve or deal with Toxic Relationships
    • Picnic in the Park – An informal day outing in nature where we played games, music instruments
    • ‘A healthy person goes Yes, No, and whoopee! An unhealthy person goes Yes, but, No, but, and No Whoopee’ – Discussion on being assertive.


Started live sessions on Instagram and virtual sessions on zoom

LIVE INSTAGRAM – Open house with counselors

Take a Counselling Session

Book an appointment with our counsellor as per your choice and availability.

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